Sunday, April 4

Tart's Century

I'm not the most frequent of bloggers but today I reach Post No 100.
As I really don't have a huge following I have no plans to do what seems to be de rigeur in blogging circles and have some sort of giveaway and pull a number at random out of all the comments I might receive. Since I probably average about one and half comments per post it would be easier if I just sent y'all a prize for perseverance anyway! It's a celebratory post nonetheless as I have just clocked up another year. I had a very fine birthday featuring handmade goodies as well as those simple pleasures which are coffee, chocolate, books and bubble bath. I hope you can see the amazing black and silver and glittery necklace there which Frances made me - I need an occasion now to put on such finery! And Louise deserves special mention because she spoilt me with a subscription to that magazine which urban dwellers cherish, rural souls snigger at and people like me love the linger over and dissect, devouring every image and advert with equal enthusiasm! The fancy Marmite was from Hugh - I may have hinted about it a few times. As he loathes the stuff I will get every last drop to myself, though he also got me this wee gem which has given me lots of ideas on how to slither the yummy stuff into various dishes. His comments were unrepeatable when I read the suggestion for mashed banana and marmite sandwiches, though, so I'd best play safe.Have you been following Katie's equine creations? Wait till you see what Amanda made for me!My very own Tunnocks Teahorse!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the century and your birthday. I love the Tunnocks Tea Horse...very jealous of that!

Anonymous said...

congrats and happy b'day from me too! I was enjoying your presents until I reached the Marmite .....

Karen said...

Congratulations on your blog and a belated Happy Birthday! Celebrations are good for us!