Friday, January 17

Working away quietly..

I am still here, keeping a low profile and happily immersed in creativity and experimentation. I am working towards an exhibition at the Borders Textile Towerhouse in April and have set myself all sorts of challenges along the way. They may not be visible to the innocent viewer in the final display but I will know what's gone on to reach that point!
a little indigo and stitch book nearly finished
 Over Christmas I did finally finish a pair of socks started rather earlier in the year - oddly they are stripey and predominantly blue... 
And started a sweater which might be finished this winter - red and blue stripes (!)

stylish socks, finished at last
The first WARPED event of the year was a lovely workshop day that Ali, Janet and I ran at Foulden for the Borders Textile Group. Mine was considered the messy table: I encouraged lots of experimentation with paint and blocks and wax as participants created surface decoration on recycled papers. 
We plan to have this Spring's workshops listed on the website very soon.

happy makers at Foulden

1 comment:

Lizzi said...

Nice socks!