I am dead chuffed
What you see before you, ladies and gentlemen, is a borrowed tractor attached to the first and only TART HQ. Shortly after this calm and relaxed photograph was taken, the heavens opened and the tractor driver swung the caravan backwards across the road in order to reverse it up the side of the shed and into the garden. The operation did not go smoothly. However, men and machines won the day and TART HQ is now safely tethered. Work has commenced by yours truly on the interior. Photographs will be taken and you will be kept fully informed of developments. Oh yes, you will...
Think Tart HQ is fab. Look forward to seeing it fully operational. Fx
You'll be able to decorate it to your heart's content _ I can see it all now - bunting everywhere.
Well done
bunting? moi? You are right though, Lizzi, I'll be letting my wee imagination run riot in there and there were will be colour and pattern everywhere!
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